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Support GCC

Gayatri Consciousness Center(GCC), Katy, Texas, operations depend on the devotees' contributions like you. In addition to the day-to-day operations, your contributions help bring new activities to the center. Watch the website to see all the center activities.

GCC operates under the auspices of All World Gayatri Pariwar, India (Shantikunj, Haridwar), with the mission to bring about positive transformation on both an individual and global scale. Established in 2005 with just 10 families, GCC has grown to 400 plus families. AWGP has more than 4000 centers and 120 million devotees across the globe.

You can help GCC in multiple ways

  • Volunteer your time for center activities.

  • Monetary contribution helps with the operational expenses as well as in bringing new facilities to support new or expanded activities. 


Our current goal is to acquire a bigger facility to pursue GCC's vision to grow and accomplish its many endeavors to establish a New Era. So we humbly request each one of you to please help us with open hearts to achieve our goals.

"हम बदलेंगे - युग बदलेगा, हम सुधरेंगे - युग सुधरेगा"
We will change - the era will change, we will improve - the era will improve
Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya

Our Goals

  • Acquire a bigger facility to pursue GCC's vision to grow and accomplish its many endeavors to establish a New Era.

  • Create an independent Bal Sanskar Shala area to bring about the upliftment of its many students.

  • Establish a Yagyashala for the performance of Yagya to carry on our great Vedic traditions

  • Have a bigger hall to conduct all puja worship & Sanskaras, activities such as Yoga & Sadhana (Meditation) for the growing number of devotees.

  • Celebrate all Hindu festivals and be a platform for community activities gatherings and celebrations such as Holi, Navratri garbas & Tulsi Vivah.

  • Provide community halls and meeting rooms for the use of community members to hold their events & gatherings.

  • Provide community halls and meeting rooms to non-profit organizations such as Sewa, Sai Center, Art of Living Foundation, Texas Gaushala(COWSHED), and many more at NO COST.

The Current State of GCC (Risk Management/Mitigation)

  • We are a non-profit, 100% volunteer-run 501(c)3 organization.

  • We have by-laws and a constitution in place.

  • General liability insurance and security

  • Certificate and article of incorporation

More Information

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